Upload (mput) and Download (mget) Multiple Files Automatically in FTP Transfer

To avoid the situation and automatically transfer the files so that the FTP session can process unattended, use the prompt command before using the mput or mget commands. The prompt command toggles between prompting on, where ftp will prompt you to choose yes or no before each file is transfered, and prompting off, which will copy all files without prompting. By default, prompting is on. So to continue to FTP transfer all files without asking, remember to issue prompt command before starting the transfer process. Ask it do not prompt before putting or getting the files, make sure that your existing files do have have the same file name as FTP will overwrite the existing files that exists on the destination directory automatically too. The command is simple, just a single word “prompt”:

ftp> prompt

Interactive mode off.

FTP command line utility should return Interactive mode off.
