Excessive mail sent by an user alert for cPanel

If you need a simple script to alert you by mail when a user exceeds a predefined mail rate limit, then check this out.


1# mailflag=0
2# limit=5
3# mailid=mailaddresshere
4# chkdate=`date -d “60 minute ago” +%Y-%m-%d\ %k`
5# #chkdate=2009-11-10
6# mailfile=$(mktemp)
7# for i in `mysql –batch –skip-column-names -e ” use eximstats; select user,email,msgid from sends where \
8# mailtime like ‘$chkdate%’;” | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | sed ’s/^ *//’| sed ’s/ /:/’`
9# do
10# k=`echo $i | cut -d ‘:’ -f1`
11# username=`echo $i | cut -d ‘:’ -f2`
12i# f [ "$k" -gt "$limit" ]
13# then
14# mailflag=1
15# echo -e “\n\n\n Excessive mail sent by user : $username \n\n” >> $mailfile
16# echo -e “==============================================================
===========” >> $mailfile
17# echo “ mailtime msgid email processed user size ip auth” >> $mailfile
18# mysql –batch –skip-column-names -e ” use eximstats; select * from sends where mailtime like ‘$chkdate%’ and \
19# user like ‘$username’;” >> $mailfile
20# echo -e “===============================================================
========” >> $mailfile
21# fi
21# done
22# if [ "$mailflag" == 1 ]
23# then
24# cat $mailfile | mail -s “Excessive mail sent by user” $mailid
25# fi
26# rm -rf $mailfile

You need to edit the limit and mailid variables according to your requirement.

Suggestions, questions are welcome.


  1. How this will work? we need to run this script each time ryt?