Configuring a Cpanel Counter

A counter counts the number of visitors on your site. If you refresh the page counter will get increased by one.

Follow the steps given below to configure a Cpanel counter.

1. Go to counter option in your cpanel. Cpanel >> CGI center >> counters.
2. Click on counter radio button.
3. Edit/Reset a counter
Counter name:-> generally it is account username. It creates file with .dat extension on server.
New Count:-> Enter number from where you want to setup counter generally start from 0.
If you want to reset counter you have to edit both features and click on “select commit changes”. You are also able to view
counters preview through option preview.
4. Click on 'Make HTML', this will display a line.
5. On server go to following path
# cd /var/cpanel/Counters
Check file is created with the name countername.dat. Changes file permission to 777.
6. # vi countername.dat
Add the line which is created by clicking 'Make HTML' in cpanel to countername.dat file.
